31 August 2008


I'm sorry about my rude comments on your posts. I'm hoping that this post will help you understand my situation.

Will everyone who reads this that supports Obama more than McCain please comment and say so? Thanks. Then, maybe we can see the ratio. I feel it would be ideal to have it be 50-50. That's just me.

28 August 2008


I thought I'd share with you a seemingly relevant picture that I found today:

Oh, and that's Old English, by the way.

27 August 2008

Free Will: Allowed?

In a brief amount of time, I would like to state my opinion on a certain 'hot topic' of conversation (or maybe not, I dunno). The question is: should morality be enforced? The argument for that might be that there are certain things that are good for all people, and those things (or lack of) should be enforced on everyone. For example, most drugs are not allowed in the United States because it can cause bad health. Cigarette smoking is discouraged (but not illegal, mind you) because of the same reason. Also, gay marriage is still not legal in most of the 50 states. Why is this? Perhaps it is because that homosexuality is an abomination of sorts, against nature and all that. Perhaps it is because children need a parent of both genders, or what have you.

I personally don't agree with those sentiments. I believe that any drug that does not cause you to harm other people (like Marijuana for example), should be legal. Similarly, I oppose efforts to ban the smoking of cigarettes entirely (I support the banning of it in some public places, again so it doesn't harm other people unwillingly). Also, and the most controversial of all, I believe people should be able to do whatever they want with their own body: pierce it, tattoo it, mutilate it or have intercourse with whoever or whatever (as long as it's willingly) in as ridiculous and disgusting ways as they want to. I also believe that two, responsible, sensitive people, no matter what their gender, should be able to marry and adopt a child (there are different studies saying that either homosexual or homosexual parents are more suited for parenting) and raise it as they see fit.

Now, this does not mean I would do these things myself, no, I would not bring my body to that kind of low. I simply believe that people's free will (central to several religions I know of) should be enforced, as long as it does not interfere with others'.

Now, I know that the above is controversial. I delight in controversy, so please comment.

22 August 2008

American Mythology

I've been at KGM for a week, and, as is expected of one with observational skills above that of, say, a hamster, I have noticed that we do not say the pledge of allegiance or sing the national anthem regularly. I'm not saying that that's a BAD thing, no, quite the opposite. I made an interesting 'connection' recently, reading the section in the textbook on the rise of Rome and Christianity. It talked about how Christians refused to offer sacrifices to the gods in an act of treason. I also remember Mr. Matt (SS 11 Teacher) teaching our class that Greco-Roman gods weren't necessarily believed in as omnipotent beings, but more of personification of certain ideals, like the personification of a city, perhaps. So, in this sense, worshipping the gods was more of a kind of patriotism than of what is now considered religion. So, the Christians were refusing to be patriotic, and therefore, they were considered a threat to the integrity of their country.

That made me think. What is patriotism today but a form of worship? We (public schools more often than most) routinely chant incantations, or even prayers, toward an inanimate idol: the American Flag. We are told to respect the flag, not to drop the flag and are classified as terrorists (by some) if we burn the flag. All that for an inanimate object? Some would argue that the flag is a symbol of our country, and that disrespecting the flag is also disrespecting your country. This reminds me more than anything of the Greco-Roman belief system, only, instead of a 'person' symbolizing a nation or a city, it is an object, an idol. Patriotism, if anything, is the American religion. It surprises me that it is usually the most conservative Christians who support the idea of extreme patriotism. It is very ironic.

Speaking of an American religion, specifically an American mythology, there isn't only the pledge of allgience to speak of. The national anthem is nothing more than a ritual song to show our loyalty. Something I personally think is very profound is the idea of an American pantheon. Mr. K once said that America does have gods, in the sense of historical beings that embody the very spirit of a country and have been elevated to godlike satus. I am talking about the founding fathers. Yes, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and even Lincoln (who wasn't technically a founding father but is held in the same light) are our gods. We have our own parables and myths surrounding these characters (the chopping down of a certain cherry tree, for example), and they are constantly being adapted into our art. They are on our money (that perhaps being more of a property of a ruler rather than a diety), and even our cities are named after them.

Another possible choice for an American mythology would be none other than superheroes. While they do not have the same historical quality that the founding fathers do, they certainly embody many of our 'American values' and are filled with ethical problems resolved by our shining example of good. What is especially similar to this mythology and the Greeks and Norse is the sheer aamount of story known by (nearly) everyone. Our American mythos, really. Ask anyone who is Supermans girlfriend and they will (hopefullly) say Lois Lane. Where does Batman come from? Gotham, of course. Some of them even fit the typical archetypes of a pantheon. The all powerful main god: Superman. The epitome of patriotism (Athena for the Greeks): Captain America. Batman could even be considered the the god of the underworld if we want to stretch it that far.

Hope you've had some interesting insight into my opinions. Expect to see a lot more of that in the future.

P. S. After some feedback, I've decided to clarify that this is not my attempt to criticize the very concept of patriotism. Rather, it is my attempt to show religious influences in the most secular of societies.

20 August 2008

Learning is Good, Especially for Jeopardy

This is my homework assignment tonight: Hope you, whoever you are, find it entertaining.

So, the reasons I should give a ...[darn]... about world history:

  • History teaches you patterns to recognise in current events. History DOES repeat itself, after all.
  • People constantly reference history in speeches, talks and that kind of stuff. You know, the Iraq War being a crusade and all that.
  • Tests. You need to know history to pass tests to get into colleges to lead a successful life. Face it, we live in a class society: the educated vs. the uneducated. People who get, or don't get money, respectively.
  • Conversation: Educated people who talk about history in your presence may ask your opinion on, say, the authorship of supposed Shakespeare plays. Responding not knowing what Shakespeare is could lower your social status.
  • Trivia TV Shows/Board Games: A problem of money and fun, while the first may not come up often for you, it will be helpful to know history in order to go far (or just watching it at home.) And in less profitable games, like, say, Trivial Pursuit, you will want to know certain historical things.

Now, a lot of the reasons for the following literature, language arts and geography will be similar to the above reasons. I will reference them in a brief manner.

  • Literature often has valuable lessons in philosophy, ethics or just life. Reading them can help you.
  • TV and Movies: In these days of Beowulf: The Movie, and Crusoe: The televisions series (on NBC, Fridays this October!), adaptions of novels in forms of media (with sequels...and remakes) overpower original ideas at the box office (I think). It is often good to be familiar with the story so you can mock the makers of the movie when they do something stupid and away from the original plot.
  • Literature (or reading of any kind) often increases your vocabulary. A 3D graph of your vocabulary after reading a bunch of novels would seem to be subconically increasing (look it up.)
  • Writing: If you have any intention of being a writer, reading literature should be of paramount importance. It will not only give you good examples of good writing, but it will also give you ideas.
  • Tests
  • Conversation
  • Trivia TV Shows/Board Games
Language Arts

  • Learning Language Arts in one language can help you learn more efficiently another one. eg. What a direct object is.
  • Understanding People: Often times (hypothetically), you will come across someone (probably with an unfamiliar accent) that you just don't understand. Learning language arts can help you recognise patterns which will help you understand them.
  • Cryptograph-thingies: Do you know when you see those puzzles where every letter is replaced by a symbol or a different letter? I don't remember what they're called, but the key to solving them is recognising patterns - exactly what Language Arts can teach you.
  • Vocabulary
  • Tests

  • It is usually advisable to be competent when it comes to geography just to avoid ridicule. You don't want to be pointing to Australia when being asked to point to Iraq.
  • I suppose it could be considered offensive to not be aware of someone's national identity or culture if they come to the United States and talk to you. You would be considered ignorant (go America). It would be even more so if you came to them in their home turf.
  • Careers: Many careers require an advanced knowledge of geography, the US Government being a prime example. You could also make a lot of money by making maps, I've heard.
  • Tests
  • Conversations
  • Trivia TV Shows/Board Games


Welcome to Christian Swenson's SS Blog! What does the SS stand for? Socratic Seminar of course! (Don't get any other ideas). This is where I will be posting my opinions and stuff for Socratic Seminar. Debating (and arguing) is my specialty, and I really look forward to doing it with all of you.