30 September 2008

The Future

So, I've been thinking. Regardless of your opinion on what's happening in the stock market, it can generally be argued that this is worthy of the history books. That makes me think another thought. If it does turn into a depression, what next? What would the long-term effects of something like that be? Would people be fed up with capitalism, making way for a socialist revolution? Would it take another World War to end it? 

Basically, what I'm asking you to do is hypothesize about the future, and how this century will turn out.  When people talk about the future, at least for me, the image of the Jetsons and perhaps a hoverboard comes to mind. I know for a  fact that it will be more than just that. Take this oppurtunity to hypothesize madly about the future, the more unique they are the better. Imagine it not just politically, but technologically and culturally, if you feel the urge.

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